Prestige Seismo L16R Powder Applicator and Dryer - 16"

The Seismo L16R is an enhanced version of the Seismo L16 DTF automatic powder applicator and dryer. It has an auto-recirculating system that collects excess powder for refilling and reuse, making it more efficient and cost-effective. If you are looking for a powerful and efficient powder distribution solution for your DTF printing business, the Seismo L16R is a great option.


  • Improve efficiency
  • Reduce material waste
  • Save time and money
  • Prestige L2 DTF Roll Printer
  • Adjustable shaking speed and time: Seismo L16R allows users to adjust the shaking speed and time according to their specific needs. This feature is essential as different types of films and powders require different shaking speeds and times to achieve optimal powder distribution. By adjusting the shaking speed and time, users can ensure that the powder is evenly distributed on the film, resulting in sharp and vibrant prints.
  • Built-in dryer: With a built-in dryer, the powder shaker and dryer speeds up the film curing process. This feature is crucial as it reduces the time required for the film to dry, allowing users to increase their printing output.
  • Auto-Recirculating System: Its auto-recirculating system collects excess powder for refilling automatically. This increases efficiency and convenience, as it eliminates the need for manual powder collection and refilling.
  • Intelligent Sensor System: The intelligent sensor system is designed to keep the shaker running at a lower powder consumption while maintaining stable curving quality. This results in energy savings and improves the quality of the final product.
  • Conveyor and Suction System: Its conveyor and suction system make it easier to feed the initial film into the machine. This reduces the time and effort required for setup and improves the overall efficiency of the process.
  • Powder Filling Box: The powder filling box provides a convenient way to refill the powder without causing any mess or spillage. This saves time and ensures that the powder is applied evenly.
  • Powder Drying Function: With a built-in drying function, the powder shaking machine can dry the powder-coated film quickly and efficiently. This reduces the drying time and improves the overall efficiency of the process.
  • Large Media Width: A large media width allows you to print larger designs without any issues, providing greater design flexibility.
  • Easy Maintenance: The L16R DTF shake powder machine is easy to maintain, with simple cleaning procedures that can be completed quickly. This reduces downtime and ensures that the machine is always in optimal condition.


  • Media width: 16.5" x 23.4"
  • Package Size: 55.9" x 44.4" x 43.8"
  • Machine Size: 63.7 x 34.3" x 39"
  • Packaging Weight: 529.1 lbs

Please note that the Seismo L16R only works with film rolls.  This is not compatible with sheets.

The DTF Station Seismo Power Applicator and Dryer Oven ships via insured fright on a pallet.

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