- Download Software for PC or MAC.
- Follow on screen instructions
- Enter license key when promoted
Silhouette ModelMaker is rich with easy-to-use features, including the following:
- Draw shapes using your mouse or using a keyboard input wizard
- Use pre-made shapes including: cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, cone, frustum, regular or irregular prism, sphere, torus, wedge shape, platonic solids
- View images as a wireframe or solid shape (including the ability to add patterns or images onto shape surfaces)
- Auto-arrange nets or manually move nets to better fit your material
- Display 3D designs on-screen with dimensions, axis, and coordinates
- View shape parameters, properties, and formulas for further math and engineering applications
- Customize your view with various camera tool and shape rotation options, including Immersive View (the ability to go inside your 3D model and walk around!)
ModelMaker uses a native file format (TB4), but can import various file types (STL, SVG, JPG, PNG, BMP), and can export both 3D data and nets.
Supports English plus 24 other languages!